Please be advised that all green elements, movable items, the external appearance of buildings implemented as part of individual development projects and the way the property is developed, which is presented in the visualizations, are for reference only and constitute only general, predicted way of executing the investment. This means that these visualizations do not represent the final features of the investment including the immediate surroundings and thus do not constitute as a sample or pattern within the meaning of art. 556 (1) § 1 point 2 of Civil Code. The manner in which the investment is carried out, including the development of the common property or its parts and neighboring properties may change to some extent. Detailed and binding information regarding the purchased real estate, including the development method of neighboring real estates, are included in the information prospectus, development contract / preliminary contract and architectural and construction project, which are available for inspection by interested buyers at the sales office. All elements and information provided on this page do not constitute an offer within the meaning of art. 66 et seq. Civil Code.